August Newsletter

President’s Message

Hey everyone, I hope you have had a good summer so far. The winning design for the design contest is Kayla Larsen’s (the following design). Starting August 7th and going to the 21st of August we will have a link on the website, that will also be sent out, for everyone who wants to purchase either a shirt or a hat, or both.

We also have our October Show coming up that we will need help with. We ask that you volunteer for what area you would like to help with. We have the Front Desk, Raffle, Kids Club, Silent Auction, and setup/takedown that will need help. Contact Susan Broschinsky for the Front Desk, Alexis Ahlemann for the Raffle, Madison Parler for the Kids Club, and Arno Metting for the Silent Auction. Even if you can only help for an hour or two please help out. Also we ask that people sign up for a display case, and there will be prizes for the best ones. Contact Alexis Ahlemann if you want more information about the displays, or to sign up for one.

We only have a few trips left for the year, the dates are weather dependent so please make sure to check the calendar on the website a couple of days before the trip. The list of trips is as follows.

August 17th Wamsutter/Bittercreek

September 13th-14th Milford

October 19th Texas Springs

The meeting this month will be at the Willow West Pavillion near Willow Park on August 8th starting at 6:00pm. It will be our annual picnic potluck, so feel free to bring a side dish or a dessert. I hope to see many of you there.

Daniel Ahlemann

Vice President’s Message

Happy July 4th everyone. Its getting hotter and hotter as we
continue into summer. Luckily it gives us time to enjoy the
founding of our great country and remember the sacrifices of
those who have helped make/keep it great and maybe even
ponder how we can contribute in our own way to keeping it
that way and helping those around us/our community.

As far as hounding is concerned the more you’re willing to
get off the beaten trail, particularly in the mountains you can
get to some cool(er) air. Otherwise bring plenty of water and
sun screen, and don’t push yourselves too hard.

Jade Horlacher

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